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Simultaneous interpretation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Simultaneous interpretation is demanding and requires a trained professional team of interpreters.
Respecting the highest standards and through constant training, we create interpretation teams that meet the highest standards of interpretation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


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Simultaneous interpretation – Geneva, Switzerland

The Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of BiH hired the Libar Agency for simultaneous interpretation services for 03 and 04 September 2019. Our interpreter participated as part of the BiH Delegation in Geneva at the international conference for the defence of the Third Periodic Report of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the rights of all migrant workers and their family members.

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Simultaneous interpretation at meeting in Sarajevo

On 10 October 2018, at the meeting in Sarajevo between Dragan Mektić, Minister of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Simon Mordue, Deputy Director General of the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission, the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina hired two interpreters for simultaneous interpretation from the Libar Translation Agency. The Libar Translation Agency has been the official translation center of the Ministry of Security of BiH for many years.